Category: Well-being & Resilience

life balance cover

Restore Life Balance

Download the one-page Life Balance Wheel and see where you are lacking fulfillment. Colour-in and rate yourself over the 10 life-theme areas.

Aiming for Perfection VS…

Is perfection holding you back? Explore how a shift in mindset toward achieving excellence is a much better target than perfection.

coping in advance

Coping in Advance – 4 Step Strategy

Caught by Surprise Do you remember a time when you were caught by surprise and felt blindsided by something you didn’t expect. At the time you may recall being ‘speechless’,


Self Care Cloud

The Self Care Cloud helps you find balance, where your strengths are and what may be missing from you life. Try it today and discover your unique insights.

how to say no

How to Say No

Slide these 12 ways to SAY NO up your sleeve and start saying YES to your self and what you believe in.

Window of Tolerance

Emotions boiling over? Understand the ‘Window of Tolerance’ and learn how to regain control, stay calm, and restore balance after stress or trauma. Discover two easy exercises for greater emotional self regulation and learn to live happier in your window of tolerance.

Recovery From Abandonment

Recovery from abandonment is a long and emotional process. The emotional scars from abandonment cause much pain and torment in a person’s life. With many parents, over worked, stressed, time poor and looking after other siblings, many children’s feelings of abandonment go unnoticed – until, it’s too late.

Grateful Reminder Cards

Practice Gratitude Daily for Health Happiness and Well-being. Use the Reminder Cards and Notice Your Happiness & Progress Improve.

less worry

Less Worry, Let’s Be Happy!

Reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Download the free eBook to find calm, clarity, and peace using mindfulness and cognitive based strategies.

self worth quiz

Rate Your Self-Worth. Boost Confidence.

How do you improve your self worth? Take the free quiz and find out! A boost in self-worth can increase your confidence, happiness, outlook and self esteem.

Unlocking Your Inner Strengths to Become Anti-fragile

Discover your inner strengths to become more resilient. Resilient? Scratch that. Let’s call it anti-fragile, a term coined by Nassim Nicholas Taleb , a more accurate description, which recognises the pain and hurt we experience during tough times .