Smooth Conversations – For Couples

Smooth Conversations – For Couples

Repair your relationship and improve communication with Jacqui’s new breakthrough resource for couples – ‘Smooth Conversations’.

Replace arguments, the cold shoulder, finger pointing and door slamming with Smooth Conversations!

Ask the right questions at the right time, calmly and sensitively.  Welcome a new sense of connection, warmth and understanding.

Learn more about ‘Smooth Conversations’ below and order your deck today.

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Original price was: $49.00.Current price is: $39.00.

Smooth Conversations – For Couples.

No more out of control arguments! Feel at ease with each other, listen and work together. Have ‘Smooth Conversations’.

Say the right thing at the right time and ask helpful questions. No more arguing, blame and finger pointing. Be guided through your conversation and welcome a new sense of connection and understanding.

4 categories to guide you:

  • Blue Clarity Cards – Feel heard, find clarity and develop a shared understanding.
  • Red Repair Cards – Discover solutions together, explore forgiveness, feelings, perspectives, boundaries and more.
  • Green Unity Cards – Build trust, unite, and commit to creative ideas for compromise & win-win solutions.
  • Purple Harmony Cards – Share a vision for the future together, feel confident, and content, as you take your next steps.


Repair Your Relationship

Are arguments tearing your relationship apart? Is blame, anger and resentment driving a wedge between you? Poor communication is a leading cause of failing relationships. If your conversations spiral out of control, Smooth Conversations can help.

Almost all couples I work with identify ‘communication’ as a primary problem, crippling their relationship.

‘Smooth Conversations’ have been specifically developed to change the way you speak to each other, and repair relationship problems through simple conversation.

Reduce suffering from:

  • Arguing & blame
  • Criticism & gridlock
  • Flooding & outbursts
  • Avoidance & despair
  • Frustration & anger


Experience the Benefits of Smooth Conversations in your Relationship

Smooth Conversations with your partner are the foundation of a healthy and happy relationship. Create a positive environment where trust and love can flourish.

Understand each other’s experience. Lower your defenses and embrace new ideas. Work together as a team and find creative win-win solutions.

Play to your strengths, support each other and unlock an abundance of opportunity & happiness that awaits you.

How Good will it feel to finally have:

  • Peace & understanding
  • Love & connection
  • Kindness & unity
  • Harmony & happiness
  • Intimacy & affection


Smooth Conversations for Any Topic

There are countless ways to use ‘Smooth Conversations’ across any imaginable topic or problem you may have.

Popular areas ‘Smooth Conversations’ can help you include:

  • Getting clarity on any topic, event or situation.
  • Empathising and having a shared understanding of each others feelings and perspective.
  • Reaching an agreement or compromise on a current problem or issue.
  • Exploring new ideas in a collaborative and inclusive way.
  • Processing a past traumatic or sensitive event.
  • Exploring forgiveness and rebuilding trust / connection.
  • Exploring solutions, workarounds and temporary agreements.
  • Processing emotions, difficult feelings, and complex situations.
  • Exploring acceptance, beliefs and values.
  • Exploring change, alternate perspectives and meanings.
  • Creative thinking and bold ideas / possibilities.


Experiment with Smooth Conversations. You’re only limited by your imagination.


Create a Happy Future Together

Remind yourself ‘why’ you need ‘Smooth Conversations’ for a happy, healthy and loving relationship.

  • Create a sense of peace and harmony in the home.
  • Build a stronger connection and resilient bond.
  • Know each other better and care for each other during the good times and the bad.
  • Feel safe to speak your mind, and celebrate who you authentically are.
  • Accept each other unconditionally, acknowledge differences and love each other.
  • Move on from feelings of guilt, shame, blame, resentment and sadness.
  • Feel proud of each other. Feel content and have confidence and hope for the future.
  • Trust each other. Show up consistently and be someone ‘of your word’.
  • Be an empowered & energised couple, by taking responsibility.
  • Be courageous by being vulnerable with each other.
  • Inspire others and have a positive impact on those around you.
  • Feel united. Live in harmony, feel happy and be affectionate with each other.


The benefits will be personal to you and your unique relationship.


Additional Information:

  • Each deck includes 101 ‘Smooth Conversation Cards’ with a helpful question on each card.
  • Created in Bendigo, Australia by Couples Counsellor – Jacqueline Hogan & Coach – Lee Ashby.
  • Perfect for couples of all ages.
  • Cards are printed in Melbourne on sustainably sourced paper.
  • In stock.
  • Free delivery to your door, Australia Wide!



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