Be a Better Partner Program

Improve Your Self to Improve Your Relationship

1:1 Relationship Coaching & Support

Lee Ashby
Lee Ashby - Relationship Coach

Stop Dragging Your Relationship Down

Discover the ‘Big 3’ personal problem areas dragging relationships down.

Identify where you can ‘be better’ and get started today.

Watch the Overview Video

Problem Area 1 - Stress & Frustration

stress frustration man

Damaging Stress

Letting stress fester is damaging for you and your relationship. Stress commonly boils over in your life as anger, blame, resentment, withdrawal, avoidance, recklessness, and more.

Toxic Frustration

Frustration is toxic to your well-being and relationship. Unresolved tension, blaming yourself and other limiting mindsets keep you stuck and frustrated.

Life's Not Fair!

Pent up stress & frustration causes negative sentiment to cloud your life and relationship. Time, money, career, and unmet needs are just some of the things that make you say "Life's not fair!".

Reduce Stress with Peace & Understanding

man peace understanding listen conversation

Learn to manage stress and reduce frustration in your life. Find peace and understanding with your self and the world around you. Practice self-care and experience the benefits. Step into a life that inspires you and those around you.

The three steps we take to reduce stress and frustration, draw on powerful & proven life coaching principles and resources.

Personal Clarity

Discover your life values and what makes you tick. Sharpen your vision for the future. Feel confident in who you are.

Self Care

Look after your self - physically and mentally. Learn how to self-sooth and stay in control. Widen your window of tolerance & more.

Passion & Purpose

Find meaning and purpose in life. Shift perspectives, change beliefs and discover helpful attitudes to lead a happier life.

Problem Area 2 - Conflict & Communication

couples conflict and communication

No Boundaries

Limitless and no filter leads to a run in with the law, or worse - divorce. Living walled off and shut down is just as destructive for your relationship and self-esteem.

Out-of-Control Arguments

Yelling, arguing, finger pointing and blame are just some of the ways poor communication undermines your relationship. Put-downs, and threats are especially harmful and abusive.

Burdened by Life

Elderly parents, children's needs, chores & responsibilities - Life passing you by... Where do you find time for your dreams, hobbies and passions? Let alone time for your relationship!

Reduce Conflict with Boundaries & Smooth Conversations

Reduce conflict, arguments, and poor communication. Start having Smooth Conversations and learn to resolve relationship problems calmly. Set healthy inner and outer boundaries in your life to feel heard and stay safe. Enjoy living a balanced life – that you desire.

The three steps in this section draw on world-class frameworks and resources that will make a big difference in the quality of your communication, life and relationships.

Effective Boundaries

Discover healthy inner and outer boundaries. Feel safe, feel heard, listen, share with care, and support others for healthy communication.

Smooth Conversations

Start conversations softly. Resolve relationship problems calmly. Work together and find win-win solutions in your life and relationship.

Life Balance

Find time for the things that matter most. Live in alignment with your values and life vision for a more fulfilling and enjoyable life & relationship.

Problem Area 3 - Bad Habits & Broken Trust

broken trust and bad habits

Mindless & Self Centered

Feeling entitled and living a mindless selfish life cuts you off from having a close, loving relationship. Left unchecked you can wind up feeling alone, sad and unfulfilled.

Bad Habits

Bad habits feel good at the time but are masking the real issues underneath. Bad habits, poor company and stale environments spur corrosive behaviour and separation.

Broken Trust

Guilt and shame lead the way in expressing your low self worth after betrayal and broken trust. Poor decisions, and moments of weakness shake the foundations of your character and the trust in your relationship.

Repair Broken Trust with Healthy Habits & Consistent Trust.

Break bad habits and repair broken trust. Create healthy habits to support a trustworthy relationship. Welcome a new level of self-awareness, that opens the door to a more fulfilling way of living. Improve your environment and connections to support your thriving relationship built on a new foundation of trust and commitment.

Self Awareness & Relational Awareness

Sharpen your 6th sense. Observe the world around you with greater insight. Make better decisions and form deeper relationships.

Healthy Habits & Environments

Let healthy habits create a lifestyle you're proud of. Cultivate a peaceful environment around you to nurture your loving relationship.

Trust Building Behaviours

Build trust with consistent behaviour. Feel at peace with who you are, and maintain a healthy sense of self worth. Accept your weaknesses and imperfections with grace.

How it Works

Step 1

Take The Free Assessment

Get started now. In 5 short minutes, find out how you can 'be a better partner'?

partner assessment

Step 2

Get in Touch

Chat about your assessment with Lee. Ask questions and discover your unique path toward becoming a 'better partner' before it's too late!

Step 3

Get Started

Start 'Being a Better Partner' from day 1. Dive into the comprehensive program workbook, immerse yourself in the video series, and receive personalised support during your 1:1 sessions with Lee. Transform your relationship and impress your partner with real action. Significant breakthroughs await those committed to the journey.

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