Love Sparks – Inspirational Client Story

Author: Jacqui Hogan

Video Transcript

Jacqueline Hogan – Couples Counsellor:

Sometimes it’s hard to bring the walls down in a relationship, particularly the beginning of doing couples counselling.

And I remember a couple a few years ago who worked with me inside my marriage program.

It was only just after that signed up and committed to the process.
And of course, they received their little box of love sparks that we provide as part of the program.

And I remember, um, how disconnected, uh, and how, um, lonely that they both were.
And then that weekend they sent through a photo of, um, a little love spot that he’d shared with her, uh, and left it on the kitchen bench for her for when she woke up in the morning.

Um, because they were both feeling so lonely and they were both, uh, working long hours and going to the gym and trying to fit everything in and both ending up loneliness which is a common thing for busy, busy parents that I said.
And so she woke up in the morning and there was her, you know, cup of tea already for her and it left her little love spark.

I’m not sure if it was this one, but this kind of relates to, you know, what they’ve sent through.

Quality time together erases feelings of loneliness.

It was the intention that she heard that he thought of her.
He thought of her enough to get the cup out, to put the tea bag in it, to boil the kettle already for her in the morning and to add to it a little love spark card.
And she didn’t feel so alone anymore.

And gradually, he was saying, I’m starting to let my guard down too and let the love in.

It’s these little percenters that we choose everyday.
They might be percent that we think, but they can have a huge impact on couples reconnecting.

So it doesn’t always have to be a big long winter conversation to bring repairing.
It’s these little things that you learn to do and rituals of connection that you can build into your relationship with the resources and the skills that you learn.