How to Break Bad Habits
In this free video series, I explore in depth how to ‘Break Bad Habits’.
Grab a pen and paper, take notes, and enjoy!
Be sure to download the ‘Breaking Bad Habits – Discovery & My Commitment’ template in PDF below.
It has fill-able form fields to take action right away and set the intention firmly from the start.
Breaking Bad Habits - Watch Part One Now
- Discover how you can become aware of the impact of your habits.
- Understand your ‘why’ & begin to release negative habits.
- Raise self-awareness to change your brains habits.
Breaking Bad Habits - Watch Part Two
- Release negative habits, obstacles and triggers
- After increasing self awareness and journalling about your habits in step one, lets explore the impact, the triggers and the obstacles that are getting in your way.
- After you become aware you can now plant the seeds for change.
Breaking Bad Habits - Watch Part Three
- Learn how to effectively replace old routines to form healthy new habits.
- Discover how to break the grip of alcohol and avoid a hangover while still having a social life.
- Break bad communication habits with your partner and have calm and respectful conversations instead.
- Discover the secret ingredient to get through difficult times and make new habits stick.
- Identify your emotional support team for ultimate support and motivation.
- Become a powerful force for change by adding an affirmation that resonates with your new direction.